Wednesday, September 24, 2008

mythbuster experiment

Can warm water freeze faster than cold water?

Surprisingly, yes it can. Warm water can freeze faster than cold water, provided the proper conditions are in place. When it does happen, it is known as the Mpemba Effect.

To demonstrate it yourself you will need:

  • two identical containers of the same size and shape
  • access to cold water
  • A kettle
  • A freezer large enough to hold both of your containers

1. Fill each container with the same amount of water, but make sure that the initial temperature of the water in each container is slightly different - starting temperatures of 70 degrees centigrade and 30 degrees centigrade, respectively, work well. You could use water from the cold tap that has been allowed to stand at room temperature for 5 minutes and water that has been boiled in the kettle and allowed to cool for 3-5 minutes.

2. Put both containers in the freezer.

3. As the water in the containers cools, you will find that the container with the warmer water (70 degrees) will freeze faster than the container with the cooler water (at 30 degrees).

This defies immediate logic and even scientists are not in agreement about exactly how it happens. The main factors that are broadly agreed on are that freezing the hotter water affects its scientific properties. Some of it evaporates so there is less to freeze, the way heat moves through it changes, the gases in it change, it affects its surroundings in the freezer and also experiences a phenomenon called supercooling, which means that it can freeze at a slightly higher temperature than colder water.

For such an everyday substance, water is surprisingly complex and it doesn't always behave as expected. But at least we can prove one myth about it is true!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

new talent at home

Ngah aku boring2 kt umah, aku telah mempelajari sesuatu yg berfaedah iaitu kotak rubik..hehe..boring yg teramat sgt smpai aku merajinkan diri aku mempelajari cara menyelesaikan kotak rubik.. le kotak rubik 2

So..first step adalah menyelesaikan muka pertama..pusing nye pusing jd le cmni

selesaikan muka pertama dlu ye jd cmni

Setelah jd cm di atas, kita selesaikan lapisan di dibawah muka pertama..pusing2 kan lg smpai le jd cmni..

wt lk lapisan pertama bawah muka yg dh sip 2..jd le cmni ek

Dh siap cmni..wt lk lapisan kedua bawah muka yg dh siap 2..pusing lg dan pusing lg smpai jd cmni..

hehe..lapisan kedua lk dh siap setelah dipusing2

At last..setelah penat memusingkan kotak rubik ni..ia akan menjadi seperti ini..makne nye stage terakhir sebelum kotak rubik ini siap

ini adalah stage terakhir sebelum kotakini siap

Dan ahkir sekali ni le kotak rubik yg dh siap..hehe..sebelum ni aku dpt wt 1 muka je..pstu aku biar kn je r..hehe..

dh siap pn..hehe..pndai x aku..haha..

Monday, September 15, 2008

don't know what it is...

sebenarnye aku pn xtau ape makne semua nye ni..tapi aku ngok cm interesting je permainan aku post je le ek..

•A: hot
•B: loves people and sex
•C: good kisser
•D: a very good galfren or boyfriend anyone ever had
•E: has gorgeous eyes
•F: loves people wild and crazy
•G: very outgoing
•H: stick to one
•I: is really sweet & romantic
•J: is very sexual
•K: crazy
•L: is a very good kisser
•M: Makes dating fun
•N: is a very good kisser too!
•O: has one of the best personalities ever
•P: popular with all types of people
•Q: a hypocrite
•R: funny
•S: makes people laugh
•T: a smile to die for
•U: is loved by everyone
•V: not judgmental
•W: very broad minded
•X: never let people tell you what to do
•Y: is loved by everyone
•Z: can be funny and dumb at times

so ape characteristic korg bagi setiap huruf nme korg kn..hehe..try it..hope you'll enjoy it

have fun!

klo nama aku..ia akan jd seperti ini:


I: is really sweet & romantic
S: makes people laugh
Z: can be funny and dumb at times
A: hot
M: Makes dating fun

hehe..untuk seronok bermain ok klo jgn le percaya ngat benda2 cmni..hehe..

aku post pn tuk sesuka je..hehe..enjoy k..

Thursday, September 11, 2008

bipolar junction transistor (BJT)

A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a type of transistor. It is a three-terminal device constructed of doped semiconductor material and may be used in amplifying or switching applications. Bipolar transistors are so named because their operation involves both electrons and holes.

Although a small part of the transistor current is due to the flow of majority carriers, most of the transistor current is due to the flow of minority carriers and so BJTs are classified as 'minority-carrier' devices.

An NPN transistor can be considered as two diodes with a shared anode region. In typical operation
In an NPN transistor, for example, when a positive voltage is applied to the base–emitter junction
  • the equilibrium between thermally generated carriers and the repelling electric field of the depletion region becomes unbalanced
  • allowing thermally excited electrons to inject into the base region
  • These electrons wander (or "diffuse") through the base from the region of high concentration near the emitter towards the region of low concentration near the collector
  • The electrons in the base are called minority carriers because the base is doped p-type which would make holes the majority carrier in the base.

The base region of the transistor must be made thin, so that carriers can diffuse across it in much less time than the semiconductor's minority carrier lifetime, to minimize the percentage of carriers that recombine before reaching the collector–base junction. To ensure this

  • the thickness of the base is much less than the diffusion length of the electrons
The collector–base junction is reverse-biased, so little electron injection occurs from the collector to the base, but electrons that diffuse through the base towards the collector are swept into the collector by the electric field in the depletion region of the collector–base junction.

A BJT consists of three differently doped semiconductor regions
  • the emitter region
  • the base region
  • the collector region
These regions are, respectively, pn type and p type in a PNP, and n type, p type and n type in a NPN transistor. Each semiconductor region is connected to a terminal, appropriately labeled:
  • emitter (E)
  • base (B)
  • collector (C)
The diagram shows the schematic representation of an npn transistor connected to two voltage sources. To make the transistor conduct appreciable current (on the order of 1 mA) from C to E, VBE must be above a minimum value sometimes referred to as the cut-in voltage. The cut-in voltage is usually about 600 mV for silicon BJTs, but can be different depending on the current level selected for the application and the type of transistor.

I_E = I_B + I_C\,

In the diagram, the arrows representing current point in the direction of the electric or conventional current—the flow of electrons is in the opposite direction of the arrows since electrons carry negative electric charge. The ratio of the collector current to the base current is called the DC current gain. This gain is usually quite large and is often 100 or more.

As the applied collector–base voltage (VBC) varies, the collector–base depletion region varies in size. An increase in the collector–base voltage, for example, causes a greater reverse bias across the collector–base junction, increasing the collector–base depletion region width, and decreasing the width of the base. This variation in base width often is called the "Early effect" after its discoverer James M. Early.
Narrowing of the base width has two consequences:
  • There is a lesser chance for recombination within the "smaller" base region.
  • The charge gradient is increased across the base, and consequently, the current of minority carriers injected across the emitter junction increases.

Both factors increase the collector or "output" current of the transistor in response to an increase in the collector–base voltage.

In the forward active region the Early effect modifies the collector current (iC) and the forward common emitter current gain (βF) as given by the following equations:[citation needed]

 i_\mathrm{C} = I_\mathrm{S} e^{\frac{v_\mathrm{BE}}{V_\mathrm{T}}} \left(1 + \frac{V_\mathrm{CB}}{V_\mathrm{A}}\right)
 \beta_\mathrm{F} = \beta_\mathrm{F0}\left(1 + \frac{V_\mathrm{CB}}{V_\mathrm{A}}\right)


  • VCB is the collector–base voltage
  • VA is the Early voltage (15 V to 150 V)
  • βF0 is forward common-emitter current gain when VCB = 0 V

pn junction diode

do you know how actually pn junction diode work?

here i have the theory how it does..hehe..actually soalan ni ditanya masa aku g interview kt NS aritu..huhu..

In a p-n junction, without an external applied voltage, an equilibrium condition is reached in which a potential difference is formed across the junction. This potential difference is called built-in potential Vbi.
In an equilibrium PN junction (Figure 1.0), electrons near the PN interface tend to diffuse into the p region. As electrons diffuse
  • they leave positively charged ions (donors) on the n region
  • Similarly holes near the PN interface begin to diffuse in the n-type region leaving fixed ions (acceptors) with negative charge
  • The regions nearby the PN interfaces lose their neutrality and become charged, forming the space charge region or depletion layer
Figure 1.0: A p-n junction in thermal equilibrium with zero bias voltage applied.

The electric field created by the space charge region opposes the diffusion process for both electrons and holes. There are two concurrent phenomena:
  • the diffusion process that tends to generate more space charge
  • and the electric field generated by the space charge that tends to counteract the diffusion.
The carrier concentration profile at equilibrium is shown in Figure 1.1 with blue and red lines. Also shown are the two counterbalancing phenomena that establish equilibrium.

A PN junction in thermal equilibrium with zero bias voltage applied. Under the junction, plots for the charge density, the electric field and the voltage are reported.

pn junction diode have 2 bias which are foward bias and reverse bias
  • Forward-bias occurs when the P-type semiconductor material is connected to the positive terminal of a battery and the N-type semiconductor material is connected to the negative terminal. This reduces the width of the depletion zone.
  • Connecting the P-type region to the negative terminal of the battery and the N-type region to the positive terminal, produces the reverse-bias effect. Therefore the depletion region widens

Thursday, August 21, 2008

keje keje dimana ko keje

adoyai...ape le nk jd ngn aku ni...lh dpt keje ke x ni...huhu...arini aku ade interbiu kt NS tuk jwtn CAD ni aku bgn awal tau semata2 nk g interbiu 2..dh siap semua aku kuar le nk pkai kasut..ngok2 langit dh gelap nk ujan le kul 7.30pg je wktu 2..kilang NS 2 br 5 minit jln dh smpai dh..mak aku kte g le sblm ujan ni..mau xmau kne le awal..lps 5 minit je aku gerak dh smpai kt NS kul 7.40..awal lg 2..kne le aku nunggu kt guardhouse dia..slmt le ade waiting room kt gaurdhouse2..dh smpai kul 8 masih aku sorg je kt c2..trpikir gk aku mne yg lain..rupanye sehari sorg je dorg interbiu

Smpai kt HR office ttiba ade dorg tnye bkn aku kne dtg ptg ni kul 3 ke..pulak!!dh glabah dh aku..aku lupa lk dia ade ckp ke x interbiu 2 kul bpe..slalu aku g interbiu awal2 pg..heheh..silap le dorg kte xpe le..dorg srh isi borg ngn amik test..aku pkir senang je r..dh abis aku isi borg aku bkk le ktas test 2..1st soalan dia tnye curve characteristic zener diod..ternganga aku aku blaja mse form 5 dl ni..mne aku nk ngat dh..aku sbar lg..aku selak dan selak dan selak..aku geleng kepala dan terpikir..klo le ketas jd ketas final exam elektronik analog aku dl kompom semua failed..gila susah test ni sioooot!!!!!..aku dpt jwb bpe kerat je..pergghh..aku dh mula pkir dh leh ke x aku dpt job ni...huhu..korg tau x buat gate not dr gabungan N-MOS transistor?..huuu..aku xdpt jwb..mmg yg xnh ade dlm otak aku pn ade kt ketas 2..huuhu..abis le aku cmni..

dh abis sume ade cik sorg ni bwk aku g jmpe ngn manager bhgn CAD ni..dan sesi interbiu bermula..dan hasil nye sme le sperti interbiu2 yg lepas..huhuhu..cmne le aku nk dpt keje cmni..huhuhu...

hai...ape le nk jd ngn aku ni...ble le aku lh dpt keje ni..
ke nk smbung lg ek..pikir2 jgn xpikir..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

my lovely little gurl anak buah aku yg pertama..

nama nye nurish iman camelia (ejaan xtau lk..hehe..)

tp ktorang pgl di wish sje..xpun iman

seorang yg comey tp mmg xreti duk diam..

dalam otak dia msti ade benda yg nak dibuat.. antara koleksi gambar2 wish dr kecik hingga skg..

gambar ni waktu wish br bebelas ari...

ni plk mse wish beberapa waktu dia ngh nk 'ukuk'..hehe

hehe..mse ni gigi wish br nk tumbuh..2 yg slalu sengih je 2..hehe

ni mse wish dh setahun..ngok, puzzle box 2 dia yg wt tuh..hebat x?

ni mse abg aku yg sulung nk brtunang..buncitnye perut dia..hehe..

ni yg latest..hehe..nk jd cm dlm gol n gincu..dh kne color

klo nk ltk sme koleksi gmbar dia xmuat blog ni..hehe..

Monday, August 18, 2008

xtau le aku...heheh..

hehe..dh lme aku xngarut dlm blog ni kn..aku ngok2 blk dh nk 3 bulan kn..hehe..xde mood r nk tulis blog ni..keje masih xde..dh 5 bulan menganggur rezeki kembali kepada ku..aku dapat interbiu!!!..hehe..kt mlake lk 2..bgs le..bkn cm aritu..duit abs tp keje tarak..huhu..aku dpt interbiu kt kilag NS (National Semiconductor)..dia bg post CAD mmg rezeki ni..kne sambar ni, aku mg minat ngan CAD ni(aku ye FYP dl pn CAD gk)..2 yg aku suka..bkn 2 aje tau..aku dpt twran pereksa kemasukan pgwai awam sbtu nnt..2 ari lepas interbiu 2..kt mlake gk(MITC)..mmg xkuar duit r aku cmni, dh le sengkek thp babeng dh ni..tuk 2 2 keje ni aku wt ulangkaji 2..ngalahkn aku wt study mse blajar dlu..harap2 le dpt..hehe..

dh 5 blan aku abis blajar teringat lk aku ngan zaman blajr aku dl..cmne le ngan mmber2 aku ek..yg smbung master 2 gdluck le wt dorg..perah otak lebih lg yee..hehe..terpikir lk aku ngan video yg aku wt mse 1st n 2nd sem dl..wktu 2 aku ngh maniac ngan lptop..hehe..biasa le baru dpat pgg lptop sendiri..ade le aku wt slide show pics aku

ni slideshow aku wktu 1st sem

muka cm bbdak je lg ni haa..excited dpt masuk mse aku msuk UMT 2 KUSTEM lg..aku dh 2 taun blajar br dpt title sempat gk aku grad bertitle UMT..hehe..

ni slideshow aku wktu 2nd sem

wktu ni aku dh rmai kwan dh..dl waktu 1st aku duk ngn bbdk kos lain..aku terdaftar awal, so dpt le aku roomate kos maritim..bbdak kos aku lk ngt aku ni ganas, so xramai le yg kwan ngan aku..1st fren bdk kos aku si sem 3 dia 2kar kos m3 jd le bdk taun 1 blk mamat 2..bdk pompuan yg aku mula2 knl si azue ngan ilmi..seminggu lps 2 amy msuk ngn ttba n trus le rapt ngan aku..hehe..drpd aku trun mkan ngan mamat maritim mse mula2..dh knl dorg ni aku pn trn le makan ngn minah2 ni..smpai bbdak maritim pn kutuk xpe kutukan mmbina..hehe..

roommates bbdk maritim aku

amy yg ttba muncul n trus kamcing ngn aku

amy, azue n ilmi 'girlfrens' yg mmula aku knl kt UMT
hehe..2 org sblh aku ni nyibuk je..haha

muka2 ni aku ngadap dr 1st sem smpai le abis blajar..hehe..1 rumah sewa

ngok..mmne aku g pn muka2 yg sme gk ikut..hehe..dh nme pn kawan kn..

itu le sjarah idup aku waktu aku mmula masuk kt UMT..opss, KUSTEM lg wktu 2..hehe..pape pn fren 4ever k..dh abis blajar pn ttp keep in touch lg ktorang..hehe..caiyok2!!

p/s: sambil bc blog ni dngar le lagu arti sahabat dr nidji yee..baru best..aku nk upload ade yg
akustik nye je..xbest ngat..hehhe..

Sunday, June 1, 2008

xde rezeki

xdpat keje lg rr...huhu..interview aritu sme amy dpt..xcian kt aku ke..huuhu..aku xcr lg keje kt mlake umah org kawin le..kwan aku ramai dh dpt dh ni..xlh jd ni..sok aku nk calling2 org nk mintak keje..sok kne pkai smart2 ckt nk anto resume kt kilang..krp2 le xujan sok kn..huhuhu..nsib malang mengikuti ku..ape lg aku nk ckp..ade lubang ni aku lh le aku nk gne FYP aku..ade company nk wat VTOL UAV..hehe ade can aku cmni..kt subang aku dnga..lh le aku jmpe gg cmni..hahha..hehee..k je mase aku mengarut..nnt pape aku nagrut lg ek kt blog ni..jgn bosan2 ngan blog ni ek..hahahaha!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

sendiri pikir ek

aku skg sibuk ngan interview..skali g interview abis 100 inggit..klo slalu cm ni sengkek r aku..duit dh nk abis..ngan kawan curi duit aku lk 2..slamat kawan aku je..klo x dh lme aku tmbak dia kt konek..geram gk aku mula2..tapi nk wt cmne..duk umah dia kan..tapi aku support 110% mse aku duk umah dia..mnyak aku isi..boling aku blanje..makan aku byar..dh abis bertuah dh dia aku bela..duit aku dia kebas lg..ape kte korang ek..xpe r..pape pn hidup mau happy walaupun dalm ngah bengkak

Sunday, May 4, 2008

no clue

assalamualaikum..Firstly, nk btau je..aku xtau nk tulis sbnrnye..klo xphm xpe le ek..lyn je r ek..
ok..kita bermula dgn pg ni aku bgn lmbat ckt, sbb smlm aku online smpai pg..dh lps mndi
aku dgn xbreakfast trs g CC nk print je r keje yg aku wt sebelum nk chauww dr UMT ni..
ok..aku call le kwn aku ni, dia kte ade tmpat aku follow r dia..smpai je kt sne ade lg ramai makhluk yg dikenali d c2..dorang tau lg awal rupanya..xpe r, ape yg ko hrpkan ngan aku yg pemalas ni..xtau cr lubang langsung..hehe..

ok..sementara aku kt c2, aku btul2 le kan tesis aku yg maha hebat 2 (hehe..angkat bakul sndri le pulak mamat ni...sori lg sekali)aku ngt aku sorg je r yg byk salah (aku kn pemalas)..rupa2nya dorang lg byk salah dr aku..bangga le kjp aku..hehehe..kmbang gk r hidung aku pn mnmbahkan kepeningan kepala dorang ke tahap max ngn menggunakan teknik genjutsu ku yg tahap ke-3..hehe..kalah Itachi, dan teknik aku berjaya menyerabutkan bukan hanya otak tetapi
juga rambut walaupun setelah membuat teknik rebonding..hehe..aku kn hebat..kalah semua yg hebat kt dunia ni yg anda tahu..hahaha!!!

akhirnya, sampai le giliran ku untuk memprintkan tesis ku..mula2 print dh salah dh..nombor naik atas le..xde nila, xde 2 le..sehingga membuat diriku sendiri tensen dan serabut..tetapi!!ada tetapi ye kwan2..aku berjaya mengatasi masalah yg dihadapi berkat pengalaman ku dalam bidang yg berkenaan..disebabkan itu, aku berjaya print tesis ku sebanyak 2 copy shj..hehe..ckt je..

setelah semua selesai, aku pun meneruskan perjalananku untuk mengambil tandatangan dari supervisor ku yg baik ati dan sempoi tetapi sesiapa yg tidak mengenalinya akan mengandaikan nya sebagai 'dekkamen'..hehe..ngok cite my boss my hero ek..aku ngat kan aku yg lmbat nk amik tndatangan tp aku yg plg awal rupanya..(sebnrnye aku dapat turn nk print last skli dorang dh tinggal kan aku..huhuhu...)..ok, selepas itu, kene mengadap legend ninja 'ero-sennin' untuk dpatkan tndatngannya..sbenarnya dia ketua jabatan aku..nme nye Prof. Dr. Senin Bin Hasan..2 sbb aku pnggil dia mmg gatal nagn pompuan pn..jgan btau dia ek..hehe..
tp aku baik ngan, xde pape yg xbest le berlaku..

tiba lahmse nye nk potostat lg 2 copy tesis aku(nk jimat duit, dh nak balik umah..aku lk nk amik lesen keta..kne le kmpul duit sndri..hehe..)so, aku angan kwan aku pusing le nk cr kdai potostat..lupa lk aku nk ngok jam yang wktu 2 kul 6 nye cr nye cr..akhirnya jmpe kdai yg xksampaian kerana kertas yg kedai 2 gn kurg berkualiti untuk standard ketas, aku reject le kdai 2 dan pegi ke kdai yg kompom best..sampai je kt depan kedai 2..aku ngok dh tutup..aku ngok jam aku dh pkul 6.30 rupanya..nk btau le kt cn yee kwn2, kdai kt tgganu bkk lmbat tp tutup, klo datang tgganu ni siap sedia le ek..

so keje aku tuk potostat x ksampaian dan aku meneruskan perjalanan ku lk ke destinasi seterusnya iaitu medan peperangan ping pong..hehehe..sampai je d c2 aku lihat pemain ade 3 org..xckup sorang, aku pn masuk le..dan peperangan berjalan ngan lancar dan jayanya dan berakhir dengan seri 1-1..hehe..main kt dewan kmpung mne ntah..bdk2 remaja tgganu cn bodoh byk..kemudahan ade tp xmain..tau duk atas motor prenggg!!!3x pstu bwk minah kt blkg..dh le kmpung.. 2 r kwn aku kte..think +ve..dorang 2 budak kmpung sebelah ke, adik beradik ke..xpn dh kawin, aku pkr le cm2.. walaupun aku tau realiti itu mmg pahit..hehe..

dh abis main aku balik dan aku kt cn skg..hehe..


lain kli ye aku cte ek..
